Climax: In October Sky, Homer's father is in the mine while it collapses. He saved a few lives, while endangering his own. While his father is in the hospital, recovering, Homer makes a big decision--to work in the mines until his father returns, maybe longer. It was all dependent weither or not his father looses his eye. This puts a large strain on his goal of building a rocket.
Symbolism: Homer's first day in the mine, he looks up through the elevator shaft and watches Sputnik float by. This keeps him reminded that no matter what happens, his dream can still come true. [Image of Homer Hickam]
Symbolism: Homer's first day in the mine, he looks up through the elevator shaft and watches Sputnik float by. This keeps him reminded that no matter what happens, his dream can still come true. [Image of Homer Hickam]
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